
Black Belt

This 8-day course introduces important mechanisms for implementing the strategy and building an agile organization.
Central themes are Process Management, Value Stream Management, Balanced ScoreCards, OKR, Hoshin Kanri, process design and data analysis.

It is not a requirement, but recommended that you have completed the Green Belt course before attending this. To be Black Belt certified, you must have completed the Green Belt course.

Start date: 22.10.24

Number of days

8 days

Registration deadline



Near Oslo + online


kr. 55.000 + vat


Module 1: 22.10.24 – 24.10.24
Module 2: 19.11.24 – 21.11.24
Module 3: 10.12.24 – 11.12.24

Future courses

18.03.25 – Near Oslo + online

Target groups

  • Leaders of operational excellence (opex) and business improvement programs 
  • Leaders responsible for the strategy process
  • Leaders responsible for digitalization strategy
  • Leaders responsible for the operation
  • Improvement experts

Important topics in this course:

  1. Design of an agile governance structure for operational control, replanning and improvement
  2. Designing the strategy deployment process
  3. How to use Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in the strategy deployment process
  4. How to use principles from Business Process Management (BPM) to ensure control and continuous improvement
  5. How to use Value Stream Management (VSM) to drive strategic improvement of end-to-end performance
  6. How to establish and further develop a opex and improvement programs
  7. How to implement corporate initiatives (such as sustainability, compliance, HSE and brand)
  8. How to scope and execute digitalization projects using practical Six Sigma.
  9. How to use data analysis and visualization to build fact-based understanding and make fact-based decisions
  • Module 1 (session 1 and 3)

    Topics covered:

    • Content of a business system
    • Core values and Lean management principles as a framework for behavior and decisions
    • Hoshin Kanri as a process for strategy development, implementation and follow-up
    • Balanced Scorecard and OKR as methods in strategy implementation
    • Process management as a framework for the best possible control and development of the business
    • Value stream management as a structure for targeted improvement of end-to-end performance
    • Design and implementation of opex / improvement programs
    • Design of governance structure for operational control and improvement / development
    • Repetition of the methods DMAIC and DMADV for process improvement projects and process design projects respectively
    • Use of the DMAIC method for the implementation of digitization projects
    • Use of the improvement system (BIS) for the implementation of staff initiatives (sustainability, compliance, brand, HSE, etc.)
  • Module 2 (session 2)

    Topics covered

    • Data analysis and visualization to build fact-based understanding
    • Data analysis for documentation of process and product performance
    • Data analysis for fact-based causal analysis
    • Data analysis for fact-based prioritization
    • Evaluation of measurement systems
    • Design of Experiments

Practical details

  • Summary of tools and methods

    The following tools are included in this course:

    • Hoshin kanri
    • Balanced ScoreCards
    • Business Process Management (BPM)
    • Objectives and Key Results (OKR)
    • The Catchball principle
    • The X-matrix
    • Enterprise process model (EPM)
    • The DMADV method for carrying out design projects
    • Radar chart
    • Histogram
    • Pareto diagram
    • Box plot
    • Control charts (I, MR, Xbar, R, P, U)
    • Introduction to linear regression analysis
    • Introduction to Experimental Design (DoE)
    • Introduction to Capability analysis
    • Introduction to Hypothesis testing
    • Correlation
    • Scatterdiagram
    • Confidence intervals
    • Introduction to Measurement System Analysis

    Some of the methods and tools are described at the introductory level, others are described thoroughly.

  • This is provided two weeks before the course start
    • Agenda for the course
    • Recommended preparation
    • Requirements for diploma and certification
    • Other practical information
  • Own project, diploma and certification

    Diploma and certification

    Diploma: To obtain a diploma for successful completion you must have attended at least 6 of 8 course days.

    Certification: In order to be certified Black Belt, participation is required in accordance with the requirements for the diploma (above). In addition you need to have completed successfully the Green Belt course and conducted an approved improvement project within 12 months after the course end.

    The project is considered approved if the project owner has approved the project and Aksena has approved the approach, tool usage and documentation.

    By agreement, projects other than Six Sigma projects can also be approved.

  • Course material

    The following is included in the course:

    • Electronically distributed course material


Sven H. Danielsen

Partner, Ph.D

Henning Bakken


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