How to implement a strategic improvement system

– Updated 27.03.2023 – Estimatet readtime: 3 min

A strategic improvement system, what we call a Business Improvement System (BIS), is necessary to achieve long-term strategic goals. There are different approaches to implementing a BIS, so why should you choose Aksena’s approach? This is exactly what we are giving you in this article. Before we get this far, we summarize the main components of BIS and our recommended approach to implementation.

Content of BIS

We have mentioned in another blog post the main components of Aksena’s Business Improvement System, but in case you haven’t read it we mention them again here:

  1. A training program that will enable managers and employees to plan, build and execute BIS
  2. A sub-process in the strategy process that identifies and defines necessary improvement initiatives
  3. A process for standardized definition, implementation and follow-up of improvement projects based on pragmatic use of Six Sigma
  4. A comprehensive Lean continuous improvement structure that will involve everyone in the business

So what is Aksena’s recommended approach for implementing BIS?

Recommended approach for implementing BIS

Aksena’s approach is described in full in the downloadable content: How to Introduce a Business Improvement System, which you can download here.
Important points in the proposed implementation process are:

  1. The company selects a business improvement team (BIT) consisting of the “right” people. That is, people who have the ability, and the will, to develop and implement a BIS. The team should be led by the CEO or another suitable manager who reports directly to the CEO.
  2. BIT is trained simultaneously in the various methods and tools in BIS.
  3. BIT describes a preliminary future state for the business BIS and makes plans for a step-by-step introduction towards the future state. The steps include three parallel paths. One path is about education, the other is about building the BIS structure, the third is about implementing business case driven improvements.
  4. Top management conducts custom top management course(s) in BIS.
  5. Top management and BIT together update the future state for BIS and the plans for implementation. The plans include training for employees and managers, and will involve the entire business.
  6. All managers are given clear responsibility for the introduction and use of BIS.
  7. Top management and BIT prepare and implement a communication plan that is seen in connection with the overall progress plan.
  8. Agenda for management meetings is updated to include the introduction of BIS.
  9. Top management and BIT define times for evaluation and revision of the future state and plans.
  10. BIS is included as implementation structure in the strategy process to achieve important strategic objectives.

Now to the reasoning behind why the company should choose our proposal for implementing a strategic business improvement system, BIS.

Why choose Aksena’s approach to implementing BIS?

There are many ways to implement a strategic business improvement system. If the company’s ambition is to become outstanding and remain at this level, the alternatives are still few.

As everything is interconnected due to the dependencies of the processes, the introduction must include all processes and thus also all managers and employees. This conclusion is further reinforced if the ambition is to build a fact-based, results-oriented culture. A culture can only be created if everyone is involved. The organization’s employees and managers must be given clear responsibilities, associated authority, sufficient time and the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills.

The introduction cannot be completed as a project. There is an ongoing organizational development that will take place. If the leaders ensure a business impatience, the introduction will be seen as an accelerated evolution, but not a revolution.

An introduction of BIS as described above cannot be advanced with massive support from internal and/or external consultants. External consultants can be used to build internal knowledge and to participate in discussions about the design of BIS. Internal consultants can be used to support the line organization in their work on introducing and using BIS. As with everything else, the line organization’s managers must also be responsible for the construction and use of BIS.

Are you considering building a BIS in your business? Contact us for a free chat by clicking the button below:

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